Plenary Speakers

Prof. Dr. Theodore Alexandrov
EMBL Heidelberg
Heidelberg, Germany
„Mapping dynamic re-localization of the subcellular transcriptome and proteome“

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Jörg Feldmann
Universität Graz
Graz, Austria
„ICP-MS as a contributing tool to non-target screening in enviromental monitoring“

Prof. Kathrin Lilley
University of Cambridge
Cambridge, United Kingdom
„Mapping dynamic re-localization of the subcellular transcriptome and proteome“

Dr. Joachim Richert
Vice President Analytical Science
Ludwigshafen, Germany
„„-Omics“ and Beyond – Mass Spectrometry as a Key Enabling Platform in Chemical Industry“

Prof. Dr. Metin Tolan
Universität Göttingen
Göttingen, Germany
„Shaken, not Stirred! James Bond in the Spotlight of Physics“

Prof. Dr. Mario Thevis
Head of Institute of Biochemistry
German Sport University Cologne
Cologne, Germany
„Mass Spectrometry in Sports Drug Testing – Advances and Challenges“

Prof. John R. Yates, III
Department of Molecular Medicine
The Scripps Research Institute
San Diego, Kalifornien, USA
„Why does deltaF508 CFTR fail to mature and cause Cystic Fibrosis: Interactions, Modifications and in vivo Structure?“
Keynote Speakers

Prof. Dr. Anne Bendt
Principal Investigator at the Life Sciences Institute, Associate Director of the Singapore Lipidomics Incubator
National University of Singapore
„Lipidomics – the bumpy road towards clinical translation“

Prof. Dr. Jens Brockmeyer
Head of Department Food Chemistry, Institute of Biochemistry and Technical Biochemistry
Universität Stuttgart
Stuttgart, Germany
„Understanding Food as biological system – proteomics to tackle authenticity and food safety“

Prof. Dr. Uta Ceglarek
Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics
University Hospital of Leipzig University
Leipzig, Germany
„Precision medicine through clinical mass spectrometry – fact or fiction?“

Jun.-Prof. Dr. rer. nat. David Clases
Institute of Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Nano Micro LAB
University of Graz
Graz, Austria
„Facets of Elemental Mass Spectrometry as tools for the characterisation of structures on the nano- and microscale“

Dr. Maria Fedorova
Center of Membrane Biochemistry and Lipid Research
University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus of TU Dresden
Dresden, Germany
„Deep dive into human lipidome: discovery of tissue specific lipid collectives“

Prof. Dr. Christian Huber
Department of Biosciences and Medical Biology
Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
Salzburg, Austria
„Hybrid HPLC-MS approaches to the investigation of complex glycosylation profiles in biopharmaceuticals“

Dr. Johanna Irrgeher
Analytical and Physical Chemistry
Montanuniversität Leoben
Loeben, Austria
„Established and novel isotope tools in the environmental and life sciences: From tracing mammoth migration to metabolic turnover“

Connie R. Jimenez
Cancer Center Amsterdam
Amsterdam University Medical Center
Amsterdam, Netherlands
„Proteomics and phosphoproteomics for uncovering cancer biology and precision oncology“

Prof. Dr. Uwe Karst
Institute of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
Münster, Germany
„Multimodal imaging to study the uptake of nanoparticles and their biological effects in tissues“

Dr. Ryan T. Kelly
Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
Brigham Young University
Provo, Utah, USA
„Recent Advances in Single-Cell and Spatial Proteomics“

Prof. Dr. Michael Lämmerhofer
Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Eberhard-Karls-University Tübingen
Tübingen, Germany
„Isomer-selective analysis of the phosphoinositide signaling network by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry“

Prof. Lennart Martens
Ghent University
Ghent, Belgium
„The future has arrived, now try to enjoy it – AI meets MS.“

Kevin Pagel
Department of Biology, Chemistry, Pharmacy, Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Organic Chemistry
Freie Universität Berlin
Berlin, Germany
„Mass Spectrometry-Based Techniques to Elucidate the Sugar Code“

Prof. Dr. Oliver Schmitz
Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Applied Analytical Chemistry
University of Duisburg-Essen
Essen, Germany
„Why GC-EI-MS when you can do better?“

Prof. Dr. Bernhard Spengler
Institut für Anorganische und Analytische Chemie
Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen
Giessen, Germany
„Mass Spectrometry Imaging in the Life Sciences: New approaches, current improvements, future trends“

Prof. Dr. Bettina Warscheid
Fakultät für Chemie und Pharmazie
Universität Würzburg
Würzburg, Germany
„Surveying organelles in cellular context through multifaceted mass spectrometry“

Prof. Dr. Ludger Wessjohann
Department of Bioorganic Chemistry
Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry (IPB)
Halle (Saale), Germany
„Identification of activity-relevant natural products and their modes of action
by the correlation of metabolic profiling, bioactivity and genetic data“

Prof. Dr. Manfred Wuhrer
Head of the Center for Proteomics and Metabolomics
Leiden University Medical Center, Center for Proteomics and Metabolomic
Leiden, The Nederlands
„Biomedical and biopharmaceutical glycomics“
Workshop Speakers

Prof. Dr. Anne Bendt
Principal Investigator at the Life Sciences Institute, Associate Director of the Singapore Lipidomics Incubator
National University of Singapore
Prof. Dr. Sven Heiles, Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e.V., Dortmund, Germany
Dr. Lisa Hahnenfeld, Fraunhofer Institute, Frankfurt, Germany
„Lipidomics – tips ‘n tricks from sampling to result“

Bernard Delanghe
Thermo Fisher
„Proteome Discoverer – Workshop“

Joachim Franzke
Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e.V.
Dortmund, Germany
„Alternative Ionization Techniques utilising dielectric barriers“

Dr. Robert Heyer
Mehrdimensionale Omics-Datenanalyse
Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e.V.
Dortmund, Germany
Roman Sakson,
Yvonne Reinders, Leibniz-Institut für Analytische Wissenschaften – ISAS – e.V., Dortmund, Germany
„Skyline Workshop“

Prof. Dr. Thomas Prohaska
Chair of General and Analytical Chemistry
Montanuniversität Leoben
Leoben, Austria
„Metrology in Mass Spectrometry – Workshop“